الموضوع: now?Do supporters of Imam Mahdi get imprisoned?

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  1. افتراضي now?Do supporters of Imam Mahdi get imprisoned?

    ,,Assalam Aleylum

    Could you tell somewhere and how supporters might be imprisoned or arrested? I am asking a question because I've read a statement of Imam Nasser about arrested supporters.

  2. افتراضي

    Wa alaykum Salam my beloved brother in Allah’s love what u read is true.but only in Saudi Arabia and what happened to king Salman and his son the prince Mohammad bin Salman was the consequence of the arresting the followers of the Awaited imam and banned this website al Mubarak in Saudi Arabia .
    Quote from the statement Of the Awaited imam al Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni peace be upon him:

    O Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz family of Saud, I have run out of patience for imprisoning my supporters in jails of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for more than three years, at their head (Abdulaziz Muhyi Musharraf Al-Shehri), and I am khalifa of Allah — Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, I do not beg you — O Muhammad bin Salman, to let them out; rather, I command you to issue an order to release them altogether, sooner rather than later. In fact, with financial compensation for their unjust imprisonment, only on the pretext that they are supporters of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, who calls for the worshiping Allah, Him Alone, no partner for Him, and to lift the oppression of man against his fellow man, and to achieve the world peace among the humans’ populations, and to the peaceful coexistence between a Muslim and a disbeliever, and whoever oppose me in this he has opposed Allah, and His messenger, also His khalifa.

    O Muhammad bin Salman and your loyal-guardians, Allah has commanded me to say to who opposes Allah and his khalifa, so Allah commanded me to say to you the following in parentheses:
    (What do you think of whom Allah is with him?)

    O Muhammad bin Salman, release my supporters; the Saudis and other than Saudis in prisons of the Kingdom. Beware of Allah cunning and know the sure knowledge that who opposes Allah and His khalifa, surely Allah is Severe in punishment, and the worlds altogether will surely come to know that the good end is for the dutiful ones, and the earth is Allah’s; bequeathing it to His righteous servants. Indeed, the people altogether will know that Allah is truly attaining His purpose if Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is truly the Imam Mahdi khalifa of Allah over the worlds. If I lied then my lie is against me, and harm would never afflict you, we shall wait and see, indeed judgment is Allah’s; He is fastest of all schemers and fastest in reckoning. Verily you and those of your ilk among the Arabs and non Arabs will come to know that power is for Allah altogether. O Muhammad bin Salman and all who is arrested my supporters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and all who issued judgement against them unjustly and transgression, we shall see what Allah the Severe in punishment will do to them, you would never avail a thing from Allah against them. Certainly, I would never launch missiles at you from Yemen, and I do not possess it, in fact it is owned by Al-Houthis, and I am not in need of them. Rather, Allah will launch covid at you and at those who are of your ilk among the worlds, that has extreme chastisement so Allah would increase to it strength to its strength so He would make it with His word “Be and it is” a new covid as a plot from Allah; Al-Mateen to invade the chests of the guilty-criminals, O Muhammad bin Salman, not for you alone, in fact to the entire one who oppose Allah and His khalifa from the decision makers in various regions among the worlds, so Allah would annihilate them altogether by a command from Him, or He would chastise them a painful chastisement till when Allah pleases, He knows Best and Most Just in judgement, and all matters return to Allah
    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    12 - Jamad Thani - 1443 AH
    15 - 01 - 2022 AD
    08:52 am
    (According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

    ..Covid is a firm plot (Mateen) from Allah


  3. افتراضي

    Thank you, brother.... and same to you. Peace be upon you, and your family.

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